UKCP data / Key-results
We show below the key results of the UKCP probabilistic projections, which gives a general idea of the climate change consequences. The probabilistic results are available for aggregated regions such as countries, administrative regions and river basin regions. The results comprise changes in annual temperatures, as well as changes in winter and summer temperatures and precipitations. We show the most likely probabilistic estimation (percentile 50), as well as the lower (percentile 10) and higher (percentile 90) extremes. The estimations are available for several emission scenarios
Check for yourself the UKCP key results. We encourage you to compare the estimations for several regions, emission scenarios and meteorological variables.
The headline for the whole Britain is that climate change will bring a greater chance of warmer, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers.
The specific findings are:
- All areas of the UK are projected to experience warming
- Warming is greater in the summer than in the winter
- Future rise depends on the amount of greenhouse gases the world emits, according to the emission scenario
- The lowest scenario is compatible with aims to limit global warming since pre-industrial levels to below 2°C
- The highest scenario will likely require significant further adaptation
- Winter precipitation is expected to increase significantly
- Summer rainfall is expect to decrease significantly, but when it rains in summer there may be more intense storms
UKCP data is a serious and update effort to provide realible estimations of future climate in Britain. This information can and should be used to increase climate resilience and to support decision-making. Contact us if you have any comment about how to make use of UKCP data. We are open to collaborations!