UKCP data

The Met Office has provided regionalized climate data for the next century, based on models and scenarios, that can be used to estimate Climate-Change effects on Britain.
UKCP provides probabilistic projections, giving estimates of different future climate outcomes. It comprises simulations from both the latest Met Office Hadley Centre climate model and global climate models from around the world; and a set of regional climate model projections on a finer scale (12km) for the UK and Europe. The global and regional model projections offer users the ability to better explore climate variability and changes. UKCP provides as well a further set of projections produced with a model of horizontal scale 2.2km, which represents some small scale processes seen in the atmosphere.

The UKCP probabilistic projections provide estimations on future changes on temperatures and precipitations over Britain for the whole century, considering several emission scenarios.

Check UKCP probabilistic results. They are available for aggregated regions such as countries, administrative regions and river basin regions.

It is not possible to give a precise prediction of how weather and climate will change years into the future so UKCP provides ranges that aim to capture a spread of climate response based on current knowledge, and using a particular set of methodologies developed by the Met Office and collaborators.

Thus, whilst the projections show trends towards a greater frequency of warmer weather, there will still be the possibility of cold periods driven by the natural weather variations. The extent of future climate change will be strongly affected by the amount of greenhouse gases that the global population chooses to emit in future years.

The climate information products available in UKCP are:

  1. Observations
  2. There is a comprehensive set of observations of weather and climate covering the UK, with some of the records now extending back for more than 150 years.
  3. Probabilistic Projections
  4. These are projections of future climate that assign a probability level to different climate outcomes and are based on observations and a suite of climate model ensembles.
  5. Global projections
  6. The UK climate projections include data globally, enabling analysis of changes in future climate that are coherent in space and time.
  7. Regional and local projections
  8. The model results were downscaled to provide estimations at regional (12 km) and local (2.2 km) scales.
  9. Marine projections
  10. Projections for sea-level, storm surge and waves.
UKCP available products

UKCP data is a serious and update effort to provide realible estimations of future climate in Britain. This information can and should be used to increase climate resilience and to support decision-making. Contact us if you have any comment about how to make use of UKCP data. We are open to collaborations!